Sectiunile Proud
Aici gasesti tot ce ai nevoie sa iti construiesti o viata sanatoasa


Sectiunile Proud
Aici gasesti tot ce ai nevoie sa iti construiesti o viata sanatoasa

What kind of workout is Pilates?
Pilates is a form of exercise which concentrates on strengthening the body with an emphasis on core strength.

What is the benefit of Pilates?
improved flexibility. increased muscle strength and tone, particularly of your abdominal muscles, lower back, hips and buttocks.

Can Pilates change my body?
If you practice Pilates regularly, it will change your body. Known for creating long, strong muscles, Pilates improves your muscle tone

Which is better gym or Pilates?
Pilates training offers more advantages than gym training. It works on your strength, flexibility, cardiovascular fitness, and breathing in one session

Articles about Every thing you need to build a healthy life

When you eat you build the foundation of each cell from your body

to feel better and to improve your awareness about you and the surroundings
Sculpteaza-ti corpul bazandu-te pe stiinta
Sculpteaza-ti corpul bazandu-te pe stiinta
Ultimele Video
Aici poti vedea ultimele exercitii, iar urmand un program pe care il stabilim impreuna, vei reusi sa iti imbunatatesti nu numai conditia fizica ci si calitatea vietii.
Ultimele Video
Aici poti vedea ultimele exercitii, iar urmand un program pe care il stabilim impreuna, vei reusi sa iti imbunatatesti nu numai conditia fizica ci si calitatea vietii.